Revive Dead Instagram Account
Hello Everyone!!
I was just talking to my friend and she told me that she post on Instagram and she doesn't get any views. She hardly get 5-6 views on reels or no more than 2 likes on the post ( one of which is her own )
She told me she started this instgram account in 2020 and at that time this account was doing preety good in views and reach . But then she took a break and didn't post anything for 3 years and now when she do post there are no views or whatsoever.
She said she wants to continue using this account as it has around 60-70 followers and don't want to make any new account.
What should she do !? Please give some advice on what to do on these kind of issues and how to revive this Instagram account ?
Kratika Jangid
Revive Dead Instagram Account
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