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Make it unreasonable to not hit your goals
I see so many people doubting themselves on their journey. Wondering every single day if it will work out… And don’t worry, I used to be exactly like that. There’s 1 simple way to make it unreasonable for you to not your goals. And that is quite literally putting the work in every day but calculating what it takes to sign your next client. Reverse engineer what input you need to get to your desired outcome. Let’s say you’re aiming to have 10 clients per week… And let’s be pessimistic with a 10% closing rate. Well that means you need 100 appointments to show up. And with a 50% show up rate that’s 200 appointments booked per week. Now let’s say we’re cold calling and have a 2% booking rate. That’s 10,000 calls per week. That’s 2000 calls per day (Monday-Friday) Let’s now assume the average cold caller can dial 300 times per day. We need 6.66 or what will be 7 callers to fulfill those daily calls. Now that we have - 10,000 weekly calls - 2% booking rate - 50% show up rate - 10% closing rate It is quite literally unreasonable for you to not sign at LEAST a few clients. Just work out what you need to get to your target goal and understand what you have to do. Stop over complicating it and go make some money. 6 figure months pending by January 2025 🫡
Upgrade your standards.
If you want to get rich, your standards need to increase everywhere. The circle you hang out with, the effort you put into your business, the amount of appointments you aim to set… I mean everything. Upgrade your new norm. My norm used to be 5 appointments a week, now it’s near double digits a day. My circle used to be bums Now it’s people anywhere from high 5 figures up to near 7 figures. Your standard changes, and so do you. You adjust to the norm… And if you’re anything like me. You want more every single time. Why wouldn’t you. If your norm is 1 appointment a day… Learn how to make 5 the norm. If your norm is a circle full of people getting drunk 3 nights a week… Make your new norm aspiring entrepreneurs on the same journey as you. Each day, set a new standard and a higher level of expectations of yourself. Set bigger goals and higher aspirations in life. 10 appointments doesn’t phase me now. Neither do 5 figure deals. It’s time to make 20 appointments and 6 figure months the new norm. Do something today to create a higher standard for yourself and you will reach your goals faster
Upgrade your standards.
If I Can Do It, Literally Anyone Can...
Guys, just a friendly reminder... 8 and a half years ago, did i ever possibly think that the guy in the pictures below would be making 7 figures with SMMA and travelling full time with his family... NO WAY If i can do it, literally anyone can. 8 and a 1/2 years ago i knew ZERO about online marketing, but that didn't stop me giving it everything i had to learn how to do it and do it properly. I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt there is people in this group who are way smarter, and more driven then i am or was, so next time its getting rough or its not going your way in the SMMA space i want you to think, If Uncle Jimmy, who was a mechanical fitter with no digital skills can make this bloody thing work, then i sure as shit can....
New comment Jun 22
If I Can Do It, Literally Anyone Can...
Burnout, Stress, Rest | Alex Hormozi + Leila Hormozi + Charlie Morgan
Every single piece of advice in this post is not from me; it's synthesised advice from Alex Hormozi, Leila Hormozi, and Charlie Morgan. I made sure to look at the whole picture before making a post like this. Enjoy! Feedback on the post:
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Dark clouds 💨♣️
Hey Guys I want to share what i learned recently: „If you want to go the white clouds with good weather, you have to push through the dark clouds with rain at first“ And it couldn’t be more true. All of you have a vision. You know who you want to be, who you want to become, what you want to have. This is your dream life. In this context it is also the white clouds. But before you get there you have to go through the dark clouds. You have to push trough the pain, the stress, the late nights, the hard decisions, the risk and the wrong choices. It is the only way, you will fell down out you have to keep going. And the best part is that even god tells you this. Just look at the sky next time. Whenever you see that dark clouds and rain is above you, far away at the horizon there might be some white clouds. They are here to motivate you guys. I know you want these white clouds, so be ready to go through the dark clouds. I hope you will make it. PS: I know that for most people it is hard to keep going. I know the feeling myself and for that reason I write this message as an inspiration for you. I don’t want you to fail, but to win. Hopefully this was exactly what you needed at the moment. Maybe I changed your life or maybe I could just help you out a bit. But remember the key message: „Before you achieve anything in life, you have to go through the bad times“ They are here to make you stronger and prepare for that life. A „dream life“ isn’t easy to get, because than it would have no value. But as it is hard it has a whole lot of value. So see the pain as a chance to grow and to grow into the version of yourself, who lives your dream life. I hope you make it!
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Self Mastery
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