Hello! Welcome to The 9Mile Marathon Skool Community.
We have also created this community for our 'graduated' 9Mile Marathon Mastery students, our alumni, to be able to stay in touch, and for our candidate 9Mile Marathon Mastery students who want to get familiar with our society of runners and triathletes living and training The 9Miler Way.
To kick things off, please make a new post introducing yourself (in the 'Write something' text box on top of your screen). Let us know:
- Your name
- Your running background and what running/races/goals you're currently focused on
After that start by checking out these links:
9Milers differentiate themselves from the masses by adopting The 9Mile Marathon meta game, identifying and following a new visionary training strategy before getting stuck in the old ones. This is why in the running society, the people at your running club, and most of your running buddies will tell you what 9Milers are doing is impossible.
Yet it’s happening every day. And, by being a member of this 9Miler Skool community, you will remain to be at the front of what’s going on. Pushing things forward. Changing things.
Mastering the meta for running is what you do when you are training The 9Miler Way. Effortless Performance is the metaphor for many things in life you will start to recognise and enjoy when you are training and living The 9miler Way.
More about our philosophy and vision in Bull's Eye No3, a high level post about training and living the 9Miler Way. Click Here for a quick read.