2d ago (edited) in TexAu Tips
Tip of the day 🚀- Monday 16th September
Let's say, you want to determine whether the profiles you scraped or exported from LinkedIn automation are Marketing profiles or not, so you can make a Custom AI Prompt Builder, and add it to your workflow to separate the Marketing profiles according to your requirements.👨‍💻
Add Prompt Title, Prompt Name and Description > Select the Model you want > Set the Temperature > Select your Open AI Account > Input your command or requirements in the User Prompt Box > Insert Variables in your input according to your workflow or output > Provide instructions to Open AI in System Box
You can refer from the images given below to build a workflow and use Custom AI Prompt.⬇️
On running this, you will get your desired results.
That’s it for today!✍️
Happy Automating, and I’ll see you again on Tuesday!💫
Sourima Mallick
Tip of the day 🚀- Monday 16th September
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