Hey there!
You probably are looking for lightning quick, easy service. Let's briefly discuss how to use Tectonic Innovation to get just that.
- Click "Write Something" to open a new thread here in the community.
- Make your Account # the title.
- Start your message with "Open Service." Follow it up with a detailed request.
- When available a Coordinator will respond "Confirmed" and acknowledge your request.
- Upon satisfactory completion and delivery the Coordinator will write "Close Service", and you'll be able to start your next request.
Things to Note:
- Requests can also be submitted privately if preferred.
- Once a request has been confirmed it should be completed within 48 hours.
- Currently, you can only open 1 service request at a time.
- If we need additional information or materials we will let you know before confirming your request.
Please reach out with any questions. Happy building!