Hiring techs is easy? (he called me out on this one!)
Yesterday I sent out an email announcing that I'll be sharing the full Technician Find hiring process at AAPEX 2024 in Vegas this November.
from Craig's Auto Care in Allen, TX read the email and called me out for implying that it is easy to find and hire techs.
With Craig's permission, here was my response:
Hi Craig,
Thanks for the kind words, and for always reading my emails:)
Will you be at AAPEX this year? If so, I'd love to meet you in real life.
Anyways, in this email I was trying to get across that the process is simple, but it's not necessarily easy to execute.
I was just checking our numbers yesterday and we've worked with 136 shops across the US and Canada so far. We've gotten results for the vast majority of these shops using this hiring process and the shops that get the very best results had 4 things going for them:
  1. The shop is well run and has a great reputation (out of our control).
  2. Their ads are compelling. They grab a tech's attention and speak directly to their pain and desires to get them to apply (we nail this one).
  3. Their ads are distributed across the internet targeting all qualified techs in the area, even those who may not be looking for a new shop (we nail this one too).
  4. They have someone at the shop who can sell the dream of a better opportunity and they are relentless about following up until the tech signs on (out of our control).
Of course, our Technician Find service handles #2 and #3.
I started the Technician Find community to support shops that need help on #1 and #4.
Here's to more independent shops nailing the basics so they can get and stay fully staffed!
Take care,
Chris Lawson
Hiring techs is easy? (he called me out on this one!)
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