Welcome to Tattoo Elite Guide! Here's what we will be doing:
Whether you're a new collector, an enthusiast, an apprentice, or a seasoned artist, this group is here to improve your game. With almost 20 years in the tattoo industry, from desk guy to studio owner, I've successfully maintained constant booking in large studios and private studios and scaled the first full shop I ran from under $500k to over $1,000,000 annually before I even knew most of what I will be teaching members of this group. Now, I'm here to share my knowledge and empower you on your journey. I absolutely love to teach and break down once-mysterious subjects into easy-to-implement steps you can take to massively increase your success whether you are getting a tattoo or giving one.
Tattoo Elite Guide will have four membership tiers:
Tier 1: Free for All! - Public
Always Free! This tier features informative videos on:
  • The tattooing process
  • Deciding on a design idea
  • Choosing the right artist
  • Factors affecting tattoo longevity
  • Insider tips and much more!
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Tier 2: VIP Members - Public
$5/month - For those who love learning the behind-the-scenes details. Dive deeper into:
  • Tattoo design theory
  • The science of light frequency
  • My approach to tattooing
  • Regular, informative video lessons with real client examples
  • Interactive calls and videos to answer your questions
  • Personalized design direction/advice and artist recommendations for active members. Yes, I will help you find the best artist for your project in your area and guide you through the process.
  • Awards and giveaways for top members.
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Tier 3: Advanced Members - Private
$25-50/month - This tier is packed with professional, in-depth courses for:
  • Apprentices and junior artists
  • Enthusiasts and artists of all mediums who want to dive deeper.
You’ll get:
  • Interactive mentorship
  • Apprenticeship strategy
  • Utilizing Adobe
  • Cover-up breakdowns
  • Color Theory
  • Artist Health for Career Longevity
  • Graphic Design and personal branding
  • Discussions
  • Q&A
  • Constructive critiques of art with recommendations for improvement.
  • Art theory
  • Modern tool integration
  • Keeping up with the new class of digital tattoo artists and why you shouldn't be afraid of change.
  • Client acquisition tactics
  • Real-world stories with practical applications
  • Weekly live videos where I cover some of the most important lessons I have learned.
  • Detailed breakdowns of my failures over the years, contributing factors, the adjustments I made, and how you can totally avoid all of them by learning from my mistakes.
  • Industry dynamics and strategy changes post-Covid. (It has changed the entire industry dynamic).
  • Everything else I spent years learning that I wish I had been told earlier but wasn't because this group was not around yet.
  • Better awards and giveaways for top members.
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Tier 4: Elite Members - Private - Artist Coaching and Consulting
$500/month For licensed artists only, this tier is a tax-deductible investment in your success with immediate growth for those who take the steps. This tier will feature:
  • Small group for focused attention
  • Monthly calls to review strengths and weaknesses and strategize accordingly.
  • Profit maximization strategies specific to you.
  • My most effective small adjustments which create huge longterm gain.
  • Design assistance
  • Client communication tactics
  • Personalized monthly coaching for more earnings, better tattoos, and time-saving tips.
  • Diagnosing and solving problematic areas in your business model.
  • Create habits/skills/strategies you can take with you forever.
  • Grand prize for top overall member given out once per year.
Why Join?
  • Unmatched Value: Regardless of your tier, you’ll feel like you’re getting much more than you’re paying for. It will be glaringly obvious why you came here instead of YouTube or Skillshare.
  • Over-delivering: I’m committed to giving you the tools, knowledge, and support to thrive in the tattoo industry.
  • Your Success: These methods work, period. I can't wait to hear your success stories.
This is just scratching the surface of what we have planned for this community and we will always pivot to more thoroughly meet your needs. I'm leaving nothing on the table and I'm giving you everything I have to give. Are you ready to break out the tools and go to work? How deep are you prepared to go?
⚫The top 5 most active members in the first group on the exact minute we load our official branding for launch may choose between a free lifetime Tier 2 membership or a 50% lifetime monthly discount toward Tier 3. And their rates will never change. This will be one of many contests in the tiers because regular giveaways are too fun not to do!⚫
Join Tattoo Elite Guide today and start your journey on the ground floor.
We will be rolling out the tiers in sequence so first will be Tier 1, followed by Tier 2, and so on. Based on the above information, which tier do you think would be best for you? Looking forward to seeing you inside!
Tier 1 - Free for All 👁️
Tier 2 - VIP Membes 🤯
Tier 3 - Advanced Members 🛠️
Tier 4 - Elite Members 🫡 💰
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Tim Jensen
Welcome to Tattoo Elite Guide! Here's what we will be doing:
Tattoo Elite Guide
Industry hacks, breakdowns, lessons, live support, coaching, time-saving tips, and much more for Clients and Artists. We are here for your success.
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