The Thin Line Between Success and Failure: The Power of Patience and Persistence
I want to take a moment to encourage you today. Sometimes, even just five minutes before your breakthrough, it can seem like everything is falling apart. But remember, that’s exactly when persistence and patience matter the most.
As appointment setters, I’m learning that these two qualities, patience and persistence are key to success. Last week, I amazed myself by reaching over 120 clients. What’s even more surprising is that almost half of them responded. I didn’t always have results like this, though. When I first started, very few clients would even respond to my messages. But through persistence and learning the art of building genuine connections, I’ve discovered that it’s not about pushing clients but getting them to realize they need the opportunity. Now, if they don’t book a call, it’s their loss, not mine.
This progress didn’t happen overnight. It’s taken dedication, constant learning, and being open to guidance from those ahead of me. Listening to Tish train has been incredibly powerful. His insights help you understand not only where you are but how to get to that next level.
Remember, the line between success and failure is incredibly thin. The choice is yours – will you move forward or give up? There are no shortcuts. You have to keep pushing until you succeed. Stay focused, stay patient, and stay persistent.
Keep going. You’ve got this.
Coach Mwikali
Mwikali Nzioka
The Thin Line Between Success and Failure: The Power of Patience and Persistence
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