YouTube dilemma
Hey, guys wanted to ask a question that is f$%£ my mind.
Goal: I want to have a simple process + grow on YouTube
Problem: Serving two markets (Latvian - my native + English) and Don't want to make videos for two channels.
  1. Latvian channel: - 3.56K subs - higher views
  2. English channel: 900 subs - low views
Ideas: Maybe I could start uploading videos in English on my Latvian channel and grow one channel.
What do you think? What would you do in this situation?
P.S. I sell 80k a month in the Latvian market and 10-30k in the English market. Offer the same just course+support in English. I appreciate any help you can provide.
Stay Sharp!
Niks Jansons
YouTube dilemma
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