❗Solve these Two Things and make your First $ Online
These are the two biggest mistakes when trying to make your First $ Online.
  • 𝐃𝐞𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧
The first one is delusion. Thinking that you are doing great work while you aren't. Yes, I also did this. This could be in different aspects of your business. Deep work, doing the wrong work, doing 0 content/outreach, asking too much money. Entrepreneurship is hard and that's why you didn't make money yet, because you didn't deserve it yet. Am I on $40k a month? No. But at least I'm not deluding myself that I do. Be realistic and challenge yourself every day to be better because otherwise you'll stay broke.
No one is going to do it for you, so don't delude yourself in thinking you deserve it already. You don't.
I literally made self improvement videos, with paid editing as well, for over 8 months without getting any success. Why? Because I thought I deserved it and I just didn't had my viral yet. I thought it was luck. Wrong. I was a delusional pussy because I didn't want to accept the fact that I simply didn't deserve it yet. I didn't help anyone. Maybe a handful of 13 year olds. I was delusional and I don't want you to make this mistake, because this could take some serious time before you realise it wasn't luck.. it was your personal output that wasn't good enough.
Aren't you sure if you are delusional or not? Just ask a masculine credible figure. Ask your dad, ask your mentor, ask me. We won't indulge into your delusion. From there you can actually start making process.
  • 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞
How are you going to make money when no one wants to give you money? You need to stop looking at money and start looking at yourself for once. What do you provide to people? What problem did you solve that you can help them with? Posting motivational quotes on Insta? Making self improvement videos? Great, you are helping no one. Stop doing this. Your stupid Insta story isn't gonna help them anyway. They won't stop cutting themselves after seeing your 'Sometimes you need to be grateful for your best friend'-post on Insta.
Stop thinking about yourself and money, start thinking about people and their pain. People always want to pay money to solve their problems so make sure your solution is worth a lot of money so you can ask high prices. Would you pay $9 for a hot dog before a football match? Imagine you say yes. Why? Because you are hungry (PAIN) and you can directly solve the whole problem with money. Done. Paid. Would you pay that price for a pack of hot-dogs in the grocery store? No, of course not. So it's not about your love for hot-dogs, it's about the pain of being hungry and not having food to eat.
You are not going to make money. You are going to solve one specific pain for one specific kind of person and he wants to exchange your solution for his money. That's literally how it works. It's this simple. Boring, but true. Think about the pain he or she has, every single day. Are you going into a sales call? Constantly ask him/her about the pain. It's bad huh? yeah yeah really bad. How good would your life be without this pain? What are your future plans without this pain? That sounds great! But.. you can't do it because you still have the pain :/
Now offer them a solution to that pain. They will buy it. You didn't just make money, you genuinely helped someone solve their pain and you just also got a reward for your hard work.
You do not make money, you take pain away from people. And don't be delusional. Frequently ask your students or other credible people (me) if you are actually doing something valuable. They won't indulge in your delusion.
That's it. Here is your reward for making it till the end. Unicorn. 🦄
Jan Blok
❗Solve these Two Things and make your First $ Online
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