Simple framework to Find Work That Feels Like Play
Hey there Synthesizers aka my favorite group of people online
Today my brain somehow managed to synthesized a simple (not easy) process for anyone to find work that feels like play to them lol. Thought I’d share it here with you guys too in case helpful & get your two cents.
The process involves 4 things:
(1) Create self-awareness (based on your past experiences)
  • Journaling and what not to uncover your own strengths, interests, preferences etc.
  • Gotta figure out what you love doing first. I don’t think there’s other way to do it apart from actually reflecting with yourself lol.
(2) Create a plan of action to get closer to the work that feels like play
  • Setting annual, monthly, weekly goals etc. and act on it
  • Take action -> get data -> reflect -> update plan
Honestly only these two would be enough but probably won’t be sustainable. I found that it helps to:
(3) Collect wins as you go
(4) Collect motivational quotes / affirmations
To help fuel action during bad days and inspire MASSIVE actions during good days.
(Kirby had a video on affirmations too which I am trying to internalize 😆
Of course there will be more details esp in the first two steps. Eg how to plan your week, month, year to get to that work the most effectively.
But I am quite convinced if you keep doing these four things long enough you will eventually figure out what you love doing and find a way for it to make money too.
Anything I missed? Would love your synthesizing minds to challenge this hehe
(Context: I have been trying to articulate how I found myself the work that feels like play. It’s a transformation I had achieved and now want to make it the thesis of my community lol. It’s been a multi-year journey of self reflection, trying a bunch of things, and… luck lol. Was taking a long walk today and then boom this popped up haha)
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Nattie Natchuta Wattanapenpaiboon
Simple framework to Find Work That Feels Like Play
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