Jul 26 in Other
Shiny Object Syndrome: For anyone new in the group.
“You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems”
— James Clear
I love this quote because it helps us see that the only way to remain consistent is having a system to stick with your plan.
What I love most about Skool is the gamification side. It really helps to boost us. Especially if you are new to this platform or this community in particular.
I was sat in the procrastinator stage level 1 for 1 year and honestly I wish I knew sooner how much opportunity I missed by not being active here.
If I could change anything I would have just focused on one thing at a time. Because there are so many thought leaders on social media trying to get your attention it can be easy to get shiny object syndrome. Without a system it is easy to be reactive vs proactive.
Try to see things through in this group because most of the information you need is here.
Of course I do also recommend investing in yourself too if you find a paid community that fits your business needs but at least get to level 2 in here.
It will give you momentum and you get to connect with likeminded people.
Hope you enjoy the rest of your Friday.
Mike Lawson
Shiny Object Syndrome: For anyone new in the group.
High-Ticket Synthesizer Skool
I reached financial freedom by becoming a High-Ticket Synthesizer.
This group helps other creators do the same (for free).
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