4d ago (edited) in Other
☹️"My Parents Don't believe in my Entrepreneurial Dreams"
You are weird for doing this. Period. Normal people get a 9-5, go drink on the weekends and cry their life away in misery. So if you don't do that, you are not average and that makes you weird. I don't like the word 'weird', let's call it 'different'. Average people don't make a lot of money, different people do. So be happy with being different, that means that you are on the right path.
𝐏𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐨𝐮𝐭
Once you are confident enough to actually take action and chase your dreams, one specific thing happens to everyone. Everyone. People are going to call you out. Could be your parents, friends, brother/sister, dentist. Whatever. The second you tell them that you work online and don't go for a full-time job career, they look down on you. They are disappointed because they think you're going to get lost in a scammy world. They don't understand entrepreneurship so for them every person that earns money online, must be a scammer. I literally got that question multiple times: "You aren't going to sell courses, right?". That's why I prefer saying that I'm an entrepreneur instead of telling them that I make money online. What they say without realising is "Oh no are you actually helping people instead of replying to stupid mails everyday? That's too hard for me, I don't understand"
This also happened to me. I am the outlier at home, I go to the gym, I only eat meat, I don't drink alcohol, I dropped old friends and girls because of my values, I wake up super early, I talk about money in a different way. All the things that I mentioned above, are weird to them. Why would you drop that girl??? She was so friendly! Why don't you drink??? Have some fun dude! I'm tired of these assumptions, haha.
𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐝𝐢𝐝 𝐈 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬?
Looking at the bigger picture. I can talk about confidence etc bla bla bla but it's just seeing your own progress in achieving your goals. Would I be confident if no one listened to me? Hell nah. Do I work super hard and is that the reason why people listen to me? Yes. Am I confident because of that? Yes, of course. So you need to reverse engineer it. Why do you think all drop-shippers feel insulted when people call them scammers? Because they KNOW it's true. That's why they feel insulted.
If someone came up to me, asked me what I did for a living and started calling me a scammer.. I won't give a single fuck. Why? Because I saw the genuine smiles and relieves in students' their faces after I have helped them. I know I do the right thing, so if some random brokey on the streets calls me a scammer.. whatever. Good luck with your bad posture, rent problems and ugly wife. Must be fun.
My point is, you can only ignore the responses of your close ones when you know that you are making progress. You put the work in behind the scenes so you know unconsciously that you're right. That makes you confident. You can only sell someone your product when you know it's f-cking good. THEN you have that extra conviction. So you have to put in the work, simple. Every day. Also on weekends. Also when your friends are in the club. Those aren't your friends anyway lol, I hope so at least.
𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬
After putting the work in and seeing some nice progress, there is one last thing that helped me with this. Making new friends, because you'll become VERY lonely if everyone calls you out and you can talk to no one. There have been nights this winter that I was crying in my room if everything was worth it because I was working 60 hours a week and everyone, including my parents, hated me for it. I could talk with no one. No one understood. What did I do? I went into a community with like-minded guys and started spreading knowledge. In my case this was in Adonis Gang, you are lucky that you have other communities because I won't go into Adonis Gang ever again haha. Terrible place.
Start making high quality posts, read some other posts and try to look what problems people are experiencing and just try to provide value with your own posts about these topics. What will happen? People will read it, appreciate it and start looking onto your profile. If they see your posts for multiple times, they will start to comment and give you some appreciation. Send them a simple DM and try to look if they align with your values, and viola.. you make new friends.
Embrace the fact that your new identity is going to require new friends and mentors, so don't be scared to drop some people in your life. I do this all the time. Does someone only want to profit from my hard work and do nothing himself? Okay, I'll stop seeing you. There are hard working guys who want to discuss real business issues with me so why the f should I spent my time with these other guys? Waste of time (and money).
I may sound really arrogant, and well what can I say.. I embraced that a long time ago. Becoming a millionaire is super hard on it's own so why should you make it harder then it already is? If the only thing that is stopping me are some uncomfortable conversations.. oh well I can handle that. That's a ROI I'm willing to take.
𝐌𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐭
Just make sure that you are doing one thing at all costs: WORK. If you don't put in the effort, all of this IS really arrogant and stupid because you will still end up like them. You can only prove them wrong by putting in the effort and doing what they are too scared to do.. stepping out of your comfort zone and work. Do more than needed. Work on the weekends. Drop friends that stop you from making progress. Appreciate friends and family members that are supporting you. Show your gratitude.
But most importantly.. work (and learn).
ok good luck bye 👍
Jan Blok
☹️"My Parents Don't believe in my Entrepreneurial Dreams"
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