Feb '22 (edited) in Other
How to tell great stories?
What do Ryan Trahan and Leon Hendrix have in common? okay they are YouTubers that's true but besides that? Yes, they both blew up on youtube in a short period of time recently, you are getting closer but still no, okay I reframe it why do you think they blew up on youtube?
Yes you read the title right, because of great storytelling! not so surprisingly turns out that people like interesting stories so that's a good way to keep the viewers engaged this is why from now my main goal is to learn as much about storytelling as possible, that will be my goal for the next months
So I collected some good resources for you to start the storytelling journey!
(also, if you find anything, a good video, a book a blog post that you think is helpful, consider sharing it in the comments and I will add it to this list!)
The Hero with A Thousand Faces (Heros journey)
Storyworthy (how to tell good stories, Matthew Dicks is the storytelling champion rn)
Save the Cat (storytelling through videos)
Benedek Santa
How to tell great stories?
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