Jul 26 (edited) in Wins🏆
1 post + 2 days = 93 members 🚀
I was recently part of the High-Ticket Synthesizer cohort organized by .
He gave us everything we needed to start monetizing on Skool... fast!
It was awesome! 🚀
In one of the steps, he describes The Social Giveway or 2-Step post strategy.
Which is basically a loophole on social media that can get you in front of a LOT of people.
Today, I put that in practice on LinkedIn and here is what happened:
↳ over 90 comments of my ICP asking to join my community
↳ 39 membership requests in about 3 hours (93 after 2 days)
↳ more comments requesting to join still coming in (last one was 5 min ago)
Here is what I did...
〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️ Step 1: Writing the post 〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️
First, I wrote a post with the following basic structure:
  • Authority: I started by stating something that tells them I know what I'm going to talk about.
  • Empathy: Then I said how I used to feel which is exactly how they feel today.
  • Plan: I said I'm creating a community to help them get the lessons without the scars
  • Promise: I shared what they can expect to find inside of the community
To top it all off, I put some scarcity in the mix.
I said we will start with 30 founding members and the rest will join a waiting list.
You can see the full text in the screenshot.
With that, I had my post ready.
〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️ Step 2: Warm up before posting 〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️
I learn from successful creators on LinkedIn that interacting before posting is key.
So I logged in today and started commenting on my ICPs posts.
The trick here is that I found a search term on LinkedIn that shows exactly who to target.
This allows me to provide value to them in a very precise way.
After commenting on 10 to 15 posts, I made my post.
〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️ Step 3: Posting 〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️
At 9:45 AM, I made the post and left it alone for about 10 minutes.
To give some initial traction, I left a comment adding some extra authority.
Around 10AM, the comments started to come in.
I asked them to comment a very simple word: "aws"
For every comment, I replied telling them to send me a DM so I could share the invite.
This resulted, so far in more than 180 comments so far.
The more people comment, the more people see the post, the more they comment.
Now it's 20:44 PM here in Amsterdam and comments are still coming in.
I was the whole day replying to comments and DMs.
On LinkedIn, we can't use things like ManyChat to automate the process.
But I would say the effort is totally worth it!
My lesson from today: "STOP FINDING EXCUSES AND JUST DO IT!"
I saw this strategy weeks ago in one of the Hormozi Days recordings.
Kirby shared this weeks ago as well.
And I only took action today.
Don't let your brain talk you out of doing things.
If you need an accountability partner, let me know and I'll bug you until you do it 😂
I hope this helps you kickstart your community as well!
Now, it's time to prepare my community to start letting members in! 🚀
P.S. I'll leave some extra information and links in the comments 👇
Fernando Goncalves
1 post + 2 days = 93 members 🚀
High-Ticket Synthesizer Skool
I reached financial freedom by becoming a High-Ticket Synthesizer.
This group helps other creators do the same (for free).
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