How I signed a $2,000 client (Step-by-step) UNTAPPED
Hey everyone!
I wanted to share with you how I signed one of my clients for $2,000.
  • Sending THOUSANDS of DMs on Instagram praying for someone to be a fit.
  • Sending HUNDREDS of LinkedIn connections per week.
Now the way that I go about it it's actually leading with value and PROBING to people that I'm an actual subject expert.
Ok, Jesus but where do I do that?
"You go where your ICP hangs out at"
Skool allows you to do that EASILY.
You join Skool Communities that are in the industry of your ICP.
For me it was people learning how to create, launch and scale infoproducts & communities.
I joined a couple of this groups (1 paid btw)
And I started helping EVERYONE THAT I COULD.
I sent Looms, DMs, jumping on calls.
Just providing massive value.
That I know people charge hundreds per week JUST FOR IT.
I did it for free.
Genuinely just helping people.
Until someone asked in one of this calls "And do you usually help people with this?"
"Yes, I do jaja"
"How much do you do it for"
"Well it really depends on how much support you need?"
"All that you can, just help me create, launch and scale my community"
And that easy I signed my first client with this method.
1- Join Skool Communities where you ICP hangs out at.
2- Genuinely help A LOT of people.
3- Become a top engager in the community.
Pro Tip: Open a Skool Community where you help out people achieve X doing Y in Z time help tons of people have testimonials and POOM. MORE TRUST.
I did this and yeah I can literally show people that I know how to create, launch and scale communities.
Going for the Skool Games on August.
Hope it serves someone out there thinking how they can use Skool for the Client Acquisition :)
Jesus Hernandez
How I signed a $2,000 client (Step-by-step) UNTAPPED
High-Ticket Synthesizer Skool
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