Jul 25 (edited) in Wins🏆
How I Got 4,000 Skool Members & 73,000 IG Followers In 30 Days For My Client
How was I able to take a brand new client from...
18k → 90k followers on IG alone
0 → 4,000 members in a brand new skool community
0 - 10,000 person email list
All in just 30 days, I'll guide you through it so you can copy me.
I haven't really been to active here because I've been really focused working with some larger clients right now helping them scale their coaching / online course offers...
But I'll go ahead and explain to you guys how I was able to help a client go viral and build him a skool community from 0 on June 22 to now crossing 4,000 members today...hope you guys find this valuable.
(gotta give credit to the 🐐 Andrew for all the guidance as well)
Breakdown of the customized game plan I made with him (that you can copy and paste) 👇
Before I launched his info product offer for the first month my main focus was to grow his front end platforms i.e. Tiktok & IG.
picture of his IG account is down below...
Your Skool community isn't going to grow unless you are CONSISTENTLY bringing traffic to it
There are 2 ways to bring traffic: Paid or Organic that's it! In my personal opinion the best ones to use are going to be IG & YT.
If you have the money you can do paid, but to liquidate your adspend make sure you're going high ticket lol plug in a setting in your DM's & please don't do any of that low ticket MRR stuff haha. Leave that to Hamza
Since my client wanted to do organic all we did was starting making more reels. (He'd post them on his tiktok as well)
My client's strong suit was IG & TikTok so we focused mainly on IG since it syncs well with Manychat.
The first post we made together has 1.8M views and 27k comments (half of which are Manychat automated responses)
The strategy that I gave to him was: Create a free asset (Notion Guide) the CTA on the IG reel was for people to get just comment the word "Guide"
Then in the backend manychat automation we'd collect their emails and then give them the guide inside the skool community. (see my entire winning manychat sequences below)
When he started working with me he had about 17,900 followers, 30 days later he's now sitting at just around 90,000 followers. You can go follow him here on IG (he's a beast videographer btw): https://www.instagram.com/its.arthur7/
Check out the exact post here: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8hd8b9x6XM/?igsh=bmg0aWNmZWU4aGFz (we've done a few more posts into the skool but not that many)
STEP 2: Backend Setup
I've tried a few different manychat sequences but on a percentage basis what converted the best for us was when I made the prospect feel that it was customized (check the camera settings guide automation) although it doesn't have that many runs but still 87% click through rate was our highest by far.
As you see in the manychat pictures, we NEVER give the lead magnet in the DM's we give it to them in the skool community we have a section inside our skool titled "Free guides" And I post all of them for him there.
People need a reason to join your skool, GIVE THEM ONE lol! Give them a guide, template, free course, cheatsheet, free doc, tracking sheet etc. get them to join Skool in return for the free asset.
(And if you're smart, what you'll do is you'll have a CTA within your lead magnet to your high ticket offer ORRR pre handle the most common objections and nurture your prospect within the Free Asset)
Here's an example of a free guide I made for him (doesn't need to be complicated or long)
BTW: If you're using Youtube, you can give away the free doc instead the skool and just have the CTA at the end of the YT video be to join the skool to get the free doc instead of having them go somewhere else.
If you've read this far, props to you, you're in the top 1% and I pray you reach success with your online biz & with growing your community.
I also made a YT video of how I got the first 1k members on my YT which kind of breaks all of this down you can check it out below as well.
If you have any questions just comment them down below I'll do my best to answer them asap or feel free to DM me here on IG: https://www.instagram.com/danijcruz
But I'm most active in my personal Skool community.
Hope this was valuable
Keep cooking!
Dani Cruz
How I Got 4,000 Skool Members & 73,000 IG Followers In 30 Days For My Client
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