8d ago (edited) in Money💰
How I got 100 members & $250(first sale) in 11 days.
So a LOT of you saw my post on making my first sale which then a lot of you ask "what's your story?" "How did you do it?"
So in this post, I'll cover LITERALLY everything I did in order to make my first sale & get a 100 members in the 11 days spending $0.
Day 1: The beginning
On June 17th, Andrew launched his new cohort the synthesizer accelerator.
When he gave a CLEAR roadmap on what to do, and how you can make money on skool, I saw a path I wanted to go.
At the time I had struggled loads with shiny object syndrome and what the hell to even do.
I constantly kept changing how I was going to make money.
One day I was doing content, then take a week break, then I would send loads of DM's.
It was inconsistent.
But when he laid out the path "start a free community, sell to the people in there" it started to click.
This would allow me to work with people I actually like, want to help, AND get a handsome amount of money ;)
So the grind started.
On the call, I made my free community, with my niche/
Put together an awful about page, but it worked.
So I just tanked through and improved a little overtime.
And that same day, I sent over 700+ DM's messaging every, single, person, I knew.
And on day 1, I got 12 members.
Day 2-6: Unbelievably hard work. 1,300 Cold DM's in 6 days.
Day 2-6 were by far my most productive days.
I worked 12 hours for 4 days straight when I never had done before.
It was very new to me, but it was fun.
I got a lot of positive feedback, and started to work even harder.
I got 12 member request overnight, and then 20+ more people joined.
This was ALL from warm DM's.
And outside of that, I sent literally, over 1300 cold DM's in 6 days.
And so what I did, with every person that joined, I sent them a personalized DM.
My group shows you how to get rid of pain during exercise, and I surveyed them before they were allowed to join to see if they were people I wanted to work with.
So when they answered what pain they had on the survey, I messaged them saying "Hey (person), I saw that you had X pain, how did it orgininally start?/I could definitely help with it, would you like to go on a call to talk about this further?"
Not many of them responded if I'm being completely honest, maybe because I should DM them on the platform I met them on, but that's a different story.
I did that for every, single, member.
In total, I got about 4 sales calls during that time, and they failed so hard, that one of the people I was selling to started giving me sales advice(though, it was good advice which did help & I'll get later to that).
Then like a lot of entrepreneurs, I hit the valley of despair by day 7.
Day 7-10: The valley of despair and a spark of hope.
Like a lot of entrepreneurs, when you try something new, you will hit some kind of valley of despair.
I don't care who you are, it will happen.
You get a lot of optimism, then it goes down, and you feel stuck at the bottom.
This started to happen a little before day 7 because I started to feel burnout.
I didn't want to do the work because my mind was in chaos, and even told me to slow down.
I started getting in deep shit.
But I won't get too deep into that, because I was still getting messages, I was getting people in the group, so overall it was going fine.
And out of the 100 people that joined, there was a lady in particular that I was messaging pretty consistently.
They were someone with hip & back pain, with scoliosis, and as I was talking more and more to this person, I could hear their pain.
They could run because of the fear of hip and back pain.
They couldn't lift, and their quality of life had taken such a hit that I was determined no matter what, I wanted to help this lady.
She checked off all the boxes for someone who could buy my stuff:
  1. Was a bit older(probably 20s-30s).
  2. Had solid purchasing power.
  3. Had serious pain.
And all of the DM's I had tried weren't going well, and the DM's weren't going well either.
So I did a little trick.
I used the sales script I have, and I applied what was in there in the DM's.
This way, I would be able to guide the conversation more and more in the direction I wanted to.
And instead of trying to sell early, like I did on the sales calls, I talked about how HER life would be so much different, and how she would be able to run again, and I made it about HER.
I stayed patient despite my situation where I would have -$ if I didn't get a sale.
And after I told her a quick story about how Usain Bolt had scoliosis, that's when she knew she could do it.
After that, everything went in to the direction until day 11.
Day 11: The first sale.
The conversation with the prospect was going very well, and we were a few messages away from me sending the invoice.
When I realized where this was going, I knew that night I wasn't going to sleep all the way.
I wasn't sleeping until I got this sale.
And eventually, it came.
I got my first stripe notification of a $250 payment coming through.
The end. BUT, here's a step by step stuff of what I did to get this first sale & 100 members:
The warm DM's: With the warm DM's, admittedly, a lot of it was copy and paste. I said something along the lines of: "Hey X, I'm starting this new group, it's about getting rid of pain and exercise. Right now, it's new and ugly, but if you're interested in joining, just reply." I basically just copied and pasted what Alex said to do.
The Cold DM's: The second thing I did was cold DM's, and LOTS. I got half of my members from cold DM's alone. And I sent a lot of DM's. About 1,300 in total I believe. I did roughly 200-250 a day. Here's the script I used. You need volume for these to work. Because out of the 1,300 people I messaged, only 1 bought my stuff.
The Sales DM's. Last what I call, the sales DM's.
Put simply, I used my sales script to sell in the DM's. Is the most efficient? I don't know. But it got me the sale. So I'll take it.
To start using the script I used, I started asking them about their situation, and what their pain was etc.
Then I went down and down the script until I closed them. But here's the biggest sales advice I got, that actually helped me get my first sale.
Remember when I said the person on the sales call started giving me advice? He was a COO at big cyber security firm & a big sales guy.
The biggest takeaway I got from him was "Paint a picture in their mind of where they are right now, and where they want to be."
And I did that. I didn't sell the product of getting rid of hip and back pain. I sold the product of her being able to run again, and not worry about the hip and back pain.
So when I told the story about Usain bolt running with scoliosis, she imagined herself doing the same thing. Oh, btw, here's the script I used.
So yea, that's everything I did.
I hope this helps somewhat.
I'll plan on doing some more cold Dm's since that's what got me this success, and on the side I'll be creating content and selling more and more.
But yea, I hope this helps and inspire people.
Tootalo :)
Gabe Vertrees
How I got 100 members & $250(first sale) in 11 days.
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