Content Multiplication
Hey Sythesizers, I havent been too active since joining but hoping to change that now. Excited to be here!
To kick things off I wanted to share my current content multiplication process.
Really curious to know how everyone approaches taking long form content and breaking it down into mid/short form video and text posts. What Tools? Hacks? Tips? have you discovered.
Tools I use:
  • Notion
  • Adobe Premier Pro
  • Davinci Resolve
  • Descript
  • AutoPod
  • Canva
  • ChatGPT/Claude
  • Sked Social
Below is my current process for podcast episodes.
Long Form Video
  1. Shoot long form episode
  2. In Premier Pro I use AutoPod to do a rough cut. Export AAF file.
  3. Import AAF to Davinci for final edit and color grade.
  4. While in Davinci I take still images from the episode to use for Thumbnail and covers on IG/YT
  5. Export Final Episode
  6. While episode is exporting, create YT Thumbnail in Canva (Templated)
  7. Import Final episode into Descript to produce transcription
  8. Feed full transcript into ChatGPT to generate a YouTube Description.
  9. Schedule episode to YT
Short Form Video
  1. Feed full transcript from Descript into ChatGPT to find notable quotes. I use these as a starting point to create shorts. These quotes can also double as X/threads post
  2. Search for each quote in Descript and move into their own compositions
  3. Use Descript to remove filler words, shorten gaps and fine tune to perfection.
  4. In Descript I apply a template with color adjustments and caption styles and vertical crop.
  5. Create IG/YT Short Thumbnail in Canva (Templated)
  6. Add cover as first frame for each short.
  7. Export shorts
  8. Using the transcripts, use ChatGPT to produce a caption for each short.
  9. Schedule shorts/reels/tiktoks
Long Form Written:
  1. Feed full transcript into ChatGPT to generate a blog article for website and LinkedIn Article Post
  2. Feed full transcript into ChatGPT to generate a 2-3 threaded posts
  3. Schedule posts
Short Form Written
  1. Feed full transcript into ChatGPT to as many tweets as possible.
  2. Review tweets for quality, eliminate sub par content.
  3. Schedule posts
There is lots of room for improvement here but this has worked well for me. Im starting to see places where I can automate the Description/Caption creation process using Zapier and Notion. I'll update you guys when I have a more solid process with the automations.
Would love your thoughts and or advice!
Arturo Herrero
Content Multiplication
High-Ticket Synthesizer Skool
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