Andrew Kirby's Sales Script đź“–
This is Andrew Kirby's sales script that I tweaked a little bit (to make it less salesy), maybe you can use it for your personal use :)
Every empty enter after a question is an answer, but I found this easier to read.
It's obvious that they'll respond to your questions lol.
Hey [name], how are you doing?
Great! And where are you calling from?
Oh nice! I’m in [place]. It’s rainy/sunny here.
But anyway, I know we don’t have too long so should we just jump straight in?
So my goal at the moment is to really understand my audience, so I can figure out how I can help them better.
So, if it’s cool with you, I’ll run through a string of questions I have for you about your life, your goals and things like that? It should be fun
And by the way if you hear me typing it’s because I’m just taking a few notes.
But we’ll just start with some basic questions.
So, what does a day in the life of [name] look like? Walk me through what an average day looks like for you.
[You can answer with nodding or saying “what a beautiful family”]
So, what’s your main priority right now [topic] wise? What are your goals around [topic]?
Okay, thanks for sharing this with me.
[You can ask further follow-up questions if needed, like “how would that look like income wise?”.
Why is this important to you? What would life look like for you after [achieving goal]?
What has been the biggest challenge for you in [achieving goal]?
[Ask more if needed, you are looking for the pain]
Man that sounds painful/frustrating. How long have you been dealing with [challenge/pain].
[Push further on the pain, acknowledge how dealing with it for that time-frame must suck]
So, what are you currently doing to achieve that [goal]? Or are you kind of on the first steps right now?
Okay, that makes sense. How is that going for you? Are you getting results? Are you happy with how things are progressing?
Hmm okay. So what do you think is missing at the moment for you to make this happen? What do you think you need?
[This is where they will sell themselves]
If I gave you a solution to this problem so you could [experience benefit], without [pain] would you be interested in something like that?
At this stage, you have three choices:
  1. Tease them of a future solution
  2. Offer to help for free
  3. Make a paid offer on the call
Your choice depends on your confidence, a potential already existing offer and the leads conviction.
Don’t pitch on the first 5-10 calls, unless really confident. Use them to collect information, build out the perfect offer, increase confidence and then you can pitch them later in the second call or in the community with a special offer.
If you want to pitch them later but not now:
Sweet, I have something that would help you with this, but it isn’t currently available. I would love to share this with you in the future as a thank you for your time today.
Would you be interested in being added to my private waitlist when this is ready? No pressure, but you will lock in some exclusive bonuses with it!
If you want to help them for free:
Sweet. I would love to help you with this.
Now, normally I charge [price], but as a thank you for your time, and to dial in my systems I would love to help you for free. Would you be interested in how I can help you make this happen for free?
If you are going to pitch them:
Sweet. I currently have [x amount of spots] left in my program right now.
Would you be interested in hearing more about this program and how I can help you make this happen?
[Pitch offer]
4.Wrap up
Awesome! I know you are busy [name] so I don’t want to take up too much of your time haha.
It was an absolute pleasure meeting you today, thanks again for your time and let’s chat again soon!
If they agreed to your waitlist:
I will add you to my personal waitlist right after this call and keep you in the loop for future developments! Excited to see where this goes [name]! (SMILE)
Alright, talk to you later, bye!
End call.
That's it, congrats on completing your first sales call (with script)!
Jan Blok
Andrew Kirby's Sales Script đź“–
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