Social Media: Why is Leveraging It Both a Piece of Cake and a Headache?
🧭In the 80s and 90s, it was about having money to make money
🧭In the '90s and 2000s, it shifted to having people make money, like forming unions for cheap production. China nailed that
🧭But from the 2000s to 2018, it was all about having brains – turning code into cash (Which I tried in my 10th class haha...didn't work...whoops)
🧭Knowledge became the new gold rush, you mean being Sherlock Holmes? Nah, that's's more of an "Iron-man" kind of knowledge (brain + having an X-factor...sorry M drifting away)
We are in an era ripe with knowledge, networking, and tech which is the cherry on the cake; yet we're still fumbling with the content creation game. Are we missing the instruction manual or just too distracted by GRWM vids? What's the missing link in our social media strategy that leaves many of us stumbling in the digital labyrinth?
What are your opinions on this?
Tarjani Gajjar
Social Media: Why is Leveraging It Both a Piece of Cake and a Headache?
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