How To Go Into Business Full-Time Starting From Nothing
I’m 23.⁣
I dropped out of university.
This is my only hope.⁣
I don’t have a job to support me.⁣
If I don’t make it I’m screwed.⁣
So far I’ve:
➤ Taken $7,000+ worth of courses⁣
➤ Learned from 10+ mentors⁣
➤ Studied for 8+ months⁣
I am destined for success.⁣
But why do I feel like a failure?
I don’t have the results I want yet.⁣
20k per month online...⁣
Total location and time freedom...⁣
Meaningful relationships and love.⁣
I spent so many years wishing for those things...⁣
But now I realise that wishes don’t make dreams come true.⁣
Action does.
This is why I’m here…⁣
I’ve been learning:
➤ Sales⁣
➤ Writing⁣
➤ Branding⁣
➤ Marketing⁣
➤ Mental mastery⁣
It’s been over 365 days since I began improving myself.⁣
But now is the turning point.⁣
Today is what everything in my life has been leading up to.⁣
My business was started so I could live freely with no money troubles.⁣
But now I realise it was more about gaining acceptance and connection from others- as well as myself.⁣
It was never about the money.
It’s about transformation.⁣
It’s about purpose- changing the world by changing myself, and others.⁣
One mind at a time.⁣
I had to sacrifice friends, hobbies and guilty pleasures.⁣
I had to kill my old self so he couldn’t hold me back.⁣
The new Zac prioritises himself.
He doesn’t live in the past…⁣
He crushes it in the present.⁣
It's all now or never.⁣
No second chance.⁣
We've got to make it:
➤ Nothing changes until you change your mind⁣
➤ You won’t change your mind without a strong “why”⁣
It all starts with purpose.⁣
WHY are you going to win?
If you can’t answer that, then you don’t belong in Mega Mindset.⁣
You won't make it without purpose.⁣
If you want help finding the answer, and growing your freedom vehicle,
Comment down below with your biggest problem.
I want to help change as many lives as possible.⁣
The best way to help yourself is to help others.⁣
Much love,⁣
Zac Solipsism
How To Go Into Business Full-Time Starting From Nothing
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