Give me a few minutes of your valuable time to read this post, and I'll make sure it's worth it.
This post is LIFE-CHANGING.
I am going to teach you exactly how you can reprogram your mind so you can achieve whatever the HELL you want in life.
This is going to be part 1 of a 2-part series on mindset reprogramming.
Mindset is something that is really overlooked.
But if you look at all the big entrepreneurs:
- Hormozi
- Sam Ovens
- Alex Becker
- Charlie Morgan
- Nik Setting
- Iman Gadzhi
And many more.
They all emphasize the power of mindset.
Mindset is what separates an average entrepreneur from a killer entrepreneur.
To start with mindset reprogramming, you need to understand that the first 2 hours of the day are the most important.
The first 2 hours of the day will literally DETERMINE if you become a millionaire or not.
There is one thing that you MUST NEVER EVER do in the morning.
If you do this one habit, you are literally creating your own downfall.
You will never become successful. Never become a millionaire.
That habit is...
Yes. You guessed it.
Scrolling is keeping you broke.
This is the first part of programming your mind.
Never scroll in the first 2 hours of the morning, or even EVER.
You need to make sure that you don't touch your phone in the morning.
You should not be taking in any dopamine from artificial sources in the morning.
That sets the tone and the standard for the rest of the day.
We need to create FLOW in the morning.
We need to achieve mental clarity.
Our brain must be sharp.
Make sure to meditate in the morning.
Just be mindful of the breath and of the sounds and sensations around you.
Do this for a few minutes in the morning, and you will achieve peak mental clarity.
The best thing you can do when you wake up is some form of physical activity.
This will kickstart your day.
Physical activity doesn't mean you have to do a full gym workout.
It can simply mean:
Going for a walk
- Gym session
- Going for a run
- Just get the body moving.
This is crucial for programming the mind.
One more tip I want to emphasize is to make sure you're not listening to music in the morning.
Music triggers dopamine.
We don't want that in the morning.
Otherwise, we will have a dopamine crash and suffer from low dopamine for the rest of the day.
That is what we DO NOT want. Especially as entrepreneurs.
This is the final tip that I am going to share.
This is by far the most important.
Make sure you have your full focus for this one.
You need to make sure that you're not just chasing the goals or the money you set.
Chase the identity of the person who is capable of hitting those goals.
All these big entrepreneurs talk about this.
Charlie Morgan places a lot of emphasis on this.
This truly does work.
You need to start acting like the person who has already achieved those goals or is capable of doing so.
When you do that...
Your whole lifestyle changes.
You will make better choices.
You will make more money as well.
An important addition to the identity tip is setting big goals.
Set big goals that are not realistic.
Let's say you set a realistic goal.
Your brain is not going to activate 100% of your potential because it knows it's realistic and isn't going to use all of its energy on the goal.
If you set a big goal that is not realistic...
Then your brain is going to HAVE to use 100% of your potential and energy to make progress toward achieving that goal.
I hope you guys got value from that.
Make sure to implement what I said in this post to get the best results.
See you tomorrow.