#Video 1 Hey everyone! I'm Patrick and I'm a Student Physical Therapist and working on a nutritional coach certification with Precision Nutrition. Currently, I'm investing in building my business (Diabetes Management Group) to serve people with Type 2 Diabetes to develop lifestyle habits to overcome the lowest points of their life! My goal is to have $10,000,000,000 when I'm 60 years old to invest in scholarships, grants, and other opportunities to serve young adults or teens learn how to manage their Diabetes and the lifestyle factors associated with it (transitioning off their parent's insurance plan, the importance of taking their prescribed amounts of medications, when to seek help when experiencing an emergency, setting healthy boundaries, etc) as well as people that I believe need the chance to speed up their success! While growing up, I did not really learn about money or finances at home since it was a taboo topic (also, the language barrier didn't help) and at school, it was the "go to college, get a job, and climb up the ladder" mindset. When I was 5, I started working in my family's Chinese restaurant (still work there whenever I'm on breaks from school) to help us make meet-ends. But I realized working 8-14 hour shifts every day for 365 days a year while struggling to decide if we should spend $50 on making sure we don't get kicked out of our house or paying the copay to see the dentist when I was a kid is not the lifestyle I want to have nor want my future family to have. But I did learn the importance of investing in assets and people from a full-ride scholarship from the Daniels Fund during my senior year in high school. The person who created the scholarship is Bill Daniels and he revolutionized the cable industry, went through bankruptcy, and persevered through his alcoholism to provide an opportunity for his associates, investors, and the youth. He shared what he learned with those who earned his scholarship and learned his story and this allowed me to take risks to have a life where I leave a legacy behind to support and inspire others to improve their situation while also serving others. Plus, he is the first billionaire that invested in me so I want to pay it forward!