Success in my dropshipping business
I just did over 3k euro in 1 week of sales with 25% margins, scaling to $25k soon and i’m only 5 months doing dropshipping. Here’s the truth. Lots of people who do this, have all their thoughts and expectations all wrong. 99% of people who try this end up failing bc their lazy and think that this is easy and they give up at their first site of failure. Let me tell you:
Dropshipping IS A BUSINESS, NOT A SIDE HUSTLE. Get that through your head. This is why people think dropshipping is dead. Bc social media lead everyone to think it’s easy. You think it’s easy as putting in 30 minutes to an hour a day, scrolling on your phone for a product and posting an ad and expecting to be rich. When In reality, it takes basic business knowledge and fundamentals and doing lots of boring shit, like research, buyer avatars, creating backend systems, and testing lots of creatives angles and offers, and many more shit.
I’ll leave you at this, if you want to be great at something, you gotta work smart and hard. You can’t expect your low work ethic to translate to big results…
Maelys'N' Devany
Success in my dropshipping business
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