Social Sales Club
Private group
7 members
$51 /month
💸 First 15 members - founding member discount: $51/mth (USD) before price increases
For ambitious female coaches and online service providers
  • Effortless sales without feeling 'salesy'
  • Attract dream clients without icky pain-point marketing
  • Create content that LANDS without spending hours on the computer
  • Scale to multi 6-figures and beyond without trading time for money
content, insights and updates exclusive to members
and/or challenges to keep you accountable and to help you start integrating each monthly training
with myself and the community where you'll be able to ask questions to move you closer to your goals and remove any limits currently blocking you from the cash months you know you could be making
Not for people who just want a quick cash injection. We're building scalable and sustainable brand empires filled with dream clients ✨ freedom and fulfilment with a side of hustle
Privacy and terms
Social Sales Club
Private group
For ambitious female-lead brands scaling to multi 6-figures & beyond ✨
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