My Day in The Season Part 35
I didn’t play or workout today, but I felt my day was fairly productive.
I started off with reading another chapter of the book Banksy by Gordon Banks.
I proceeded to go have brunch in the cafeteria with some of my teammates.
I then went back to my dorm to train my cognitive skills with Be Your Best.
I proceeded to attend a masterclass on football intelligence and decision-making process.
After the masterclass was finished, I decided to have dinner in the cafeteria.
I then watched reminders from a former professional academy footballer.
I proceeded the day by watching the first team get a draw away from home.
I ended the day by giving my parents a call to catch up with them.
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Jordi Garcia
My Day in The Season Part 35
Baller High
Our Mission: Baller High aims to give soccer (football) players the resources to improve their skills and start to play with confidence.
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