FlutterFlow Hackathon - my app
Hey, I was able to create and submit my project for the FF Hackathon. Unfortunately my project didn't make the top 10, but I'm happy that I was able to create something after using FlutterFlow for only 2 weeks.
It was more of an experiment and fun to play with the FF platform and AI models. The app creates futuristic stories about business ideas from the future after submitting a keyword or a sentence about an idea, for example: phone or decentralized energy storage.
The app will create with one request a story title, product name, story hero name, industry name, and content. The app then runs two parallel actions to create the image and audio for the story. It uses gpt-4o for stories, dall-e 3 for images and openai tts-hd for audio. For the image and audio generation workflows, I used BuildShip because it was better at handling the base64 format and storing the files on the Google storage.
Alex Hormozi inspired me to create an audio version for the story, so you can read and listen at the same time for a deeper learning experience. It's a community app, you can also read the stories generated by other users. The audio is generated only once and stored on Google storage, so other users don't have to generate the audio again.
The app can also be used as a template to create any type of content, such as articles with images, social media posts, and educational materials. It's enough to adapt only the prompt in the API call, eventually OpenAI function call in json format, and you can create any content.
You can test the app here, it's designed for mobile, but it's possible to run it as a PWA:
It's free, and don't hesitate to create as much stories and images as you want, I have a lot of Azure OpenAI credits ;) There is a signup form, but you can use a test email like name@test_com.
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Damian Dąbrowski
FlutterFlow Hackathon - my app
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