⭐️ Enter the Hall of Fame
Hey everyone! Exciting news - you can win a month of free access to Smarter Figther Academy - Here’s how you can make it happen:
🏆 Participate in our Monthly Leaderboard Contest
Each month we reward the 30-day leaderboard winner with a month free access to Smarter Fighter Academy. You earn points to the leaderboard when other members like your posts or comments. 1 like = 1 point.
📈 Share Your Progress: Post under the #progress category. Your progress can be anything from fluidity in movement, power of striking or anything in between.
💬 Engage with fellow Smarter Fighters and connect with like-minded people worldwide.
❓ Ask quality questions and recieve quality answers.
🥇 Next winner will be found May 1th.
Let’s make history together and restore the faith in Wing Chun. Start sharing your #progress now!
PS: To complete the action, comment below with your plan for the coming months. Share your strategy, goals, or the steps you’re taking to reach new heights in your skills and development.
Complete action
Sifu Martin Brogaard
⭐️ Enter the Hall of Fame
Smarter Fighter FREE
Connect with fellow Wing Chun practitioners and pursue Practical Wing Chun mastery.
Leaderboard (30-day)
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