Smart Pineapple Network
Private group
42 members
🚨 Let us support you, like you do your guests. 🌍
You give everything to make your guests feel welcome, but who’s there when you?
The reality:
❌ Struggling to get more bookings
❌ Limited time for marketing
❌ No time for professional development
❌ Falling behind on industry trends
❌ Feeling isolated in a demanding industry
What you get with Smart Pineapple:
✅ A global network of short-term rental + indie hotel pros
✅ Free guides, templates, and curated resources
✅ Weekly live Q&As + personalized video feedback
✅ Clarity on trends—what matters and what doesn’t
✅ Our AI-driven web ap for content creation, SEO, + guest communication
✅ Strategies to boost bookings + streamline marketing
This is for you if:
🔍 You’re passionate about great guest experiences
📈 Ready to grow bookings and simplify operations
💡 Want marketing strategies + AI-powered solutions
🤝 Value a supportive, like-minded community
🚀 Ready to thrive and take your business to the next level
🌟 Join us today!
Smart Pineapple Network
Looking to boost bookings and grow your business? Join a community of hosts for expert tips, tools, and support to help you thrive! 🌍
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