One Tao Kung Fu Academy
Private group
58 members
$109 /month
Welcome to One Tao Kung Fu Academy.
This community is for students who wish to feel more power, find more peace and live their potential.
Learn the secrets to punching with devastating power, whilst mastering your mind and emotions.
For the serious practitioner who wants to go even further we offer a 12 month teacher training program also.
Here you will get exclusive access to train with Sifu John, the One Tao Coaches and students worldwide.
Live Meditation Sessions
Live Kung Fu Form Sessions
Live Letting Go Coaching
Live QNA sessions
Live Alignment & Intention Coaching
28 Meditation Transformation challenge
Live Session Replay Archive
Join Now or Book a Free Consultation Call To Find out More:
One Tao Kung Fu Academy
Master Wing Chun & Meditation
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