Starting Strong: Small Wins, Big Gains
I started my morning by cleaning up my place, running 3 miles, and fueling up with a solid breakfast: organic blueberries, 4 organic eggs, and an avocado. It’s all about knocking out the small tasks immediately—like doing the dishes or taking out the trash. By completing these small things right away, you’re setting yourself up for bigger wins later in the day.
This reminds me of a lesson from the book Atomic Habits that has been huge for me: do the things you need to do before you do the things you want to do. I apply this every day, and it keeps me sharp, focused, and disciplined. And let’s be real—how do you expect a girl to respect you if you don’t even respect your own place? I used to be a messy person, but keeping your space clean and organized shows that you have your life together. That confidence in yourself and your environment spills over into how you carry yourself socially.
For those of you who want to take your game to the next level, I’m offering exclusive 1-on-1 coaching for free in this group. DM me the word “FOCUS,” and let’s work on mastering your confidence and social skills. This is your chance to get personalized advice, so don’t miss out!
Let’s crush it today, boys. Every small step counts toward becoming the best version of yourself.
Gavin Damasco
Starting Strong: Small Wins, Big Gains
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