No Hesitation, Just Action: Building Confidence Through Reps
Good Morning, Team!
Here’s the truth: when you don’t want to go, that’s exactly when you need to go. Whether it’s hitting the gym or approaching that girl, the moment you feel hesitation, that’s your cue to act. I used to sit around thinking, “What if I did this?” or “What if I said that?” That mindset used to hold me back. Now, I don’t even allow those thoughts to enter my head. When I see an opportunity, I take it right away—I approach without hesitation. And guess what? I don’t care about the outcome anymore, because I know that if I keep showing up and doing it enough, I’ll keep getting better.
After approaching thousands of girls, and spending time on Phone/FaceTime calls with all different types, I learned so much about people and psychology. But here’s the thing: that didn’t happen overnight. My freshman year of college, I could barely get a girl to talk to me, but I evolved through consistent action. I want the same for all of you—keep pushing, keep showing up, and soon enough, you’ll see the growth.
As Tony Robbins once said, “It’s not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives, but what we do consistently.” It’s not about the occasional effort or trying to be perfect—it’s about showing up and taking action over and over again. The more reps you put in, the better you’ll become. It’s the consistent effort that leads to real growth, not just thinking about what could happen. And remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and your confidence won’t be either. Keep showing up, keep putting in the work, and you’ll see the results over time.
Let’s attack the day, remove hesitation, and create the outcomes we want through action. 💪
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Gavin Damasco
No Hesitation, Just Action: Building Confidence Through Reps
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