Skill Mall is LIVE!
We are a brand new community and mall for anyone to shop for knowledge-based gifts to give the gift of a skill. Consider us the unofficial "Skool Mall" if you will. To keep the mall clean and dedicated to the gifting of a skill from one loved one to another, Vendors, moderators, and administrators are the ones who create and manage post topics but we invite Window Shoppers and everyone else to ask questions, make comments, or provide feedback here. Let us know what you think of this model. We will be tweaking and building our identity based on what you love:
😁Keep it clean like this at least for now, keep it focused on buying gifts.
😡This is preposterous, it's absurd that I can't create a post as a Window Shopper
Other idea I'm throwing out below...
3 votes
Andrea Foster
Skill Mall is LIVE!
Skill Mall
Don't add unwanted gifts to landfills for grads, b’days, Christmas & special occasions. Shop Skill Mall listings to give the gift of Skool knowledge.
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