Lead Sourcing Hack
If you find yourself struggling to find Leads on IG here's how we get hundreds of Leads in minutes.
Step 1: Search for any BIG brand or Influencer you know and love.
Lets take Gymshark for this example.
Step 2: Go into their following List and look search for the niche
in our case Fitness or Fit.
everyone who has the work Fitness or Fit in their User name or Bio will show up.
Step 3: Pick one person from that list and add them to your Outreach List.
Step 4: repeat steps 2&3 as many times as you may need.
Pro Tip: Outreach by niche as it makes tracking and sending messages much easier.
when adding people to your list:
go on their profile
save a post or reach out directly (but be cautious as you might have to repeat the process a few times if done on a PC).
do that with as many people as you would like to reach out to then go into your saved posts and there you should have all your leads.
You should be able to send hundreds of messages weekly doing this.
Share your Lead Sourcing Hacks in the comments.
Bradley Ojera
Lead Sourcing Hack
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