Just joined? Introduce Yourself!
Not just where you’re from (but it’s a good start). Let us know more.. Share the big 3..
  1. What topic do you get the most lit up and excited by?
  2. A give.. What’s something you can do for others?
  3. An ask.. What’s something you need/ want that someone else may be able to do for you?
These 3 things bring out into the open who you can help, and how people can help you. A rising tide lifts all boats.
P.S. Give more than you take and the law of reciprocity will start working in your favour!
Solomon Heathdale
Just joined? Introduce Yourself!
We focus on the simple things. The greats talk about the joy of striving to do the simple things well, every time. Let’s bring this into our lives.
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