You can only make money online teaching people...
...How to make money online
The number one complaint I hear is "tHe oNlY TrUe wAy tO MaKe mOnEy oNlInE Is bY TeAcHiNg pEoPlE HoW To mAkE MoNeY OnLiNe"
Regardless of all the proof on the internet
Regardless of the examples you can find for yourself (Udemy, looking at social media, etc)
People who are defeated have convinced themselves that it isn't possible (because it is possible for them).
I've decided to peel back the curtain and show you step by step how regular people can start making money without teaching people how to make money.
I'm doing this with the most boring topic ever... Microsoft Excel
so far it's going well, but I am thinking about hosting a live workshop to reveal everything.
Here's what you'll learn
How I find course ideas
How to launch with paid ads
How to launch with free organic traffic
How to create a super simple sales page
Everything you need to know about starting a profitable business without teaching people how to make money online
Let me know if you are interested as I am still in the planning phase.
If there is enough interest, I will create a live workshop
Let me know if you have any questions
Alston Godbolt
You can only make money online teaching people...