The 1% by Difaino
Private group
310 members
$30 /month
The #1 community for people that are looking to start or scale their Shopify store. A community full of hungry individuals aiming to embarrass competition. The perfect place to share your journey, gain knowledge, and expand network. For just $1 a day you get acces to a community full of networking opportunities, a step-by-step course and up to 3 weekly live online events hosted via Zoom. Last but not least, daily updated ecom related insights and value that will boost your store's results guaranteed. This community is called 'The 1%' for a reason. Take part or watch us take over.
The 1% by Difaino
Rated as the #1 community to start or scale a Shopify store. The go-to place to gain knowledge and expand network. Take part or watch us take over.
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