How do you keep your confidence high on bad sales days?
I heard this question asked many times and I hope to share my advice so that if you do encounter one of those days where things just don't seem to go your way, this post can help
Personally, when I experience those days, I overthink.
Like most of us, overthink and start to doubt our abilities.
First things first, what I would do and encourage all of you out there to do when you are on a cold streak with little confidence... is to write about it on paper.
Your brain is constantly jumping from one thought to another, and it will even go faster when a prospect rudely rejects us, and maybe another... and another.
You start doubting yourself and what you're selling.
This is similar to a brain dump, writing down all these negative thoughts and what happened on those bad days on paper.
After you dump all those thoughts down on the paper, take a step back and breathe fully for a couple moments.
Then proceed to look at the paper without judgement. Knowing that all these negatives are now not in your head, but on paper.
Next what you want to do is just close that book or throw away that piece of paper you wrote it down on
Second, what I would do is find another piece of paper and write down all the times when I felt super confident and super good when I closed a prospect or when I nailed a sales call.
Then I just stay with those good feelings for a while. Until eventually I forgot about the bad sales days I had.
So in summary, it's like pouring out Coca-Cola from a glass into the dish sink and refilling it with the clear & healthy water dispenser.
Clearing out what is bad and only leaving room for what is good.
That is how I keep my confidence high on those bad sales days.
If you got any questions commen
t down below or send me a DM
James Kamineth
How do you keep your confidence high on bad sales days?
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