Go Broad or Not to Go Broad... That is the My Problem
Yo Scale group hope everything is going extra swaggy for everybody.
My mind has not been the swaggest over the past few weeks.
Been working with a client for a few months now and results have been like a seesaw to say the least
Some ads have hit, and we've gotten a decent number of leads and others bombed and spent more money than I feel like we should have.
Searching through the wild forest we call the internet looking for an answer to why this has been happening and I can't seem to find the solution.
For context, I have been researching winning ad copy, creatives and funnels in the niche and I feel like what we have been cooking up is pretty solid to say the least but yet ads aren't taking off like I have been hoping. The audience has been broad with 0 interests besides the location and age.
However, we did have 1 campaign that did very well and brought in a good bit of leads, but it was cut short because we hit the ad budget limit for the month right as we were picking up steam. Once the next month came in and I turned it back on it stopped performing so I had to go back to the drawing board.
With all that said I am looking for some advice for you pros on a few things here.
  1. In a local market do you go broad, or do you throw in some interests in it as well to make the ad targeting more effective? Seen a lot on the internet saying that broader is the way but wanted 2nd opinions from others in the field.
  2. Any ideas why the winning ad stopped doing the best after it was turned back on and how should I go about handling a situation like that in the future to keep the momentum going? Example: Turn it back on, Duplicate it, etc.
  3. What is the bare minimum that a company should have for their ad budget in local lead gen from your experience?
Phillip Reed
Go Broad or Not to Go Broad... That is the My Problem
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