The 6 Foundational Movement Patterns
When creating or selecting a workout program, it is important to make sure that it is a well-balanced one. If your goal is to look good, perform better, feel better, move better, you need to make sure you are not neglecting one of these major movement patterns in your training. If you do, it leads to you leaving progress on the table, but worse than that, it can lead to muscle imbalances, movement compensations, and eventually injury.
These are the 6 major movement patterns your workout program should include.
  1. The Squat (Back squat, front squat, air squat, goblet squat etc.)
  2. The Hinge (Deadlift, RDL, single leg deadlift, good mornings, etc.)
  3. The Lunge (Body weight Lunge, reverse lunge, knees over toes lunge, weighted lunges, etc.)
  4. The Upper Body Press (horizontal and vertical) (Bench, strict press, push-ups, etc.)
  5. The Upper Body Pull (horizontal and vertical) (Row, pull-up, lat-pull down, etc.)
  6. The loaded carry. (Sandbag carry, farmer's carry, suitcase carry, etc.)
If your workout plan doesn't include these movements on a regular or semiregular basis, you are leaving performance, and even aesthetic gains on the table.
1 comment
• Mar '24
I'm curious when our first community fitness challenge is gonna come? I would be pumped for it 💪🏻
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Alec Neff
The 6 Foundational Movement Patterns
Shepherd Men
A group of men trying to sharpen their mind, body and faith in order to serve God and serve others.
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