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Why I started Shepherd Men.
About 5 years ago, I was in college and in a nihilistic pit. My faith was weak, I had no purpose, and I was living for myself. One day, after a night of drinking, I was sitting in my filthy apartment, in my underwear playing Fortnite and eating pizza. I got up to go to the bathroom. As I walked into the hallway, I shimmied past the sticky beer pong table in the hallway and shook my head at the new hole in the wall that someone must have put there the night before. After I used the bathroom and as I was washing my hands, I looked up in the mirror and saw a stranger looking back at me. I was a decent kid in high school who called himself a Christian and was at school on a baseball scholarship. That was not who was staring back at me in the mirror. The person staring back was out of shape, undisciplined, and frankly lost.
I used to have such a fire and passion for life. Where did that go? Who am I? Is this all there is to life? These were all questions I was asking myself while staring in that mirror. At about that time, I received an answer. It was more of a feeling than actual words, but it was the type of feeling that spoke volumes. If I had to put it into words, it would be something like "GO." It was so simple, but I wasn't exactly sure what that meant. What I did know is that it was time to make a change.
I left college and went back home.
When I left college, I wasn't sure exactly what I should do, but I knew I just needed to try. I made mistakes, pursued dead-end projects, and still drank from time to time, but the point was that now I was trying again. I hadn't done that in probably 3 years.
Here I am, 5 years later. I am starting this community, back in church, getting married this summer and my hunger for God has never been higher.
Throughout this process, there have been 2 practices that God has consistently used to transform my life;
  1. The discipline of studying the Bible.
  2. The discipline of physical fitness.
The one thing I have been missing is men to pursue God with. That is why I am starting this community. To share what I've learned (and continue to learn) but to also learn from other men myself.
Welcome to Shepherd Men.
The Mission.
I believe the problems of this world are not best solved by laws, politicians, or corporations, but by individuals pursuing God, yielding themselves to Him, and serving others. The mission of this community is to aid men on the path to becoming the men God created them to be so that they can love God, serve their community, and change the world. How much different could the world be if you were all in on becoming the man God created you to be?
The Vision.
The vision for the future is to build a community of 10,000 men striving to know God better, serve Him, and serve others.
What We Believe.
We believe that we can do nothing on our own. We believe that we are flawed, weak, and foolish; but we know that through discipline and yielding ourselves to God daily, he will conform us into the image of Christ.
The Values.
We value humility, faith, honesty, meekness, temperance, courage, hope and love.
The Two Pillars of Shepherd Men.
We are trying to discipline our minds and our bodies. We do that using two practices; Bible study and fitness. We aim to renew the mind by studying scripture deeply, and we seek to discipline the body through physical exercise.
The Bible Study Section.
The Bible is a tool God uses to expose our ignorance, correct our vision, and conform our mind to His will. Our minds, and therefore our understanding of God, are limited by our experience and our pride. By coming to scripture in a spirit of humility, God exposes our blindness and conforms our mind more closely to His. The Bible study section of the app is a place to share your thoughts, insights, and questions related to the Bible, and engage in dialogue with other members.
The Fitness Section.
Physical discipline is an intrinsic part of Christianity. There is no use in sharpening our minds if we don't have a disciplined body capable of hard work. In the same way that God conforms our mind to His will through mental exercise, we conform the body to our mind through physical exercise. The fitness section of the app is a place for you to share your workouts, thoughts, questions, personal records, or anything else related to the area of fitness.
Who We Follow.
We first and foremost look to Christ and seek to follow after Him in all we do. We also look to the men of scripture who, though flawed they may be, were called by God and heeded that call.
Who We Fight.
We fight not flesh but principalities and powers. Our enemies are those of the spirit and the mind. The battle against Satan and his minions is fought first and foremost within ourselves. As we do that, we also take the battle out into the world. What are the weapons we use? Truth and love. That is why we must sharpen both. We must learn the truth more deeply and learn to love more completely.
What can you expect from this community?
The goal of this community is to engage in active dialogue and help sharpen and encourage one another. The primary focus is on the areas of Bible study and physical fitness, but we want to encourage and help one another wherever there is a need.
You can also expect courses to be coming in the near future for the purposes of helping you in your fitness and Bible study journey.
How can you contribute?
Participate and invite others! The word "devil" is related to the word divide. Satan wants us to be isolated and separate. There is nothing he hates more than virtuous men; especially men in fellowship. Ask Pharaoh or king Herod.
Side note: Speak the truth. If you disagree, then disagree. This is a place to sharpen one another. Speak the truth in humility and love. That is how we can learn and help one another.
Alec Neff
Start Here To Learn about Shepherd Men.
Shepherd Men
A group of men trying to sharpen their mind, body and faith in order to serve God and serve others.
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