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i have solved the alignment problem!
Strategy requires making explicit choices to do some things and not others
and building a life around those choices. In short, strategy is choice. More specifically, strategy is an integrated set of choices that uniquely positions you so as to create a sustainable life
1. strategy is not a vision
2. strategy is not a means to an end = it's both the mean and the end
3. strategy is not optimization tips or tricks it is not a hack
While everyone wants to keep options open as long as possible, only making and acting on choices allow you “to win.” Great organization choose to win — tough choices force your hand but, if you take them, they also focus you
>When a company sets out to participate, rather than win, it will inevitably fail to make the tough choices and the significant investments that would make winning even a remote possibility.
Specifically, strategy is the answer to these five interrelated questions:
1. What is your winning aspiration? The purpose of your enterprise, its motivating aspiration.
2. Where will you play? A playing field where you can achieve that aspiration.
3. How will you win? The way you will win on the chosen playing field.
4. What capabilities must be in place? The set and configuration of capabilities required to win in the chosen way.
5. What management systems are required? The systems and measures that enable the capabilities and support the choices.
i am not going to give you hacks to improve your productivity i will not tell you to wake up early
What's your dream job?
Most individuals, when asked about their dream job, will often narrate a specific job role or title. Many chefs, for example, would say their dream job is to run their own restaurant. They would not likely say that their dream job is to create memorable experiences through food, explore culinary creativity, and bring people together. But that is what their actual dream job is and owning a restaurant is just one way to accomplish that.
What are you passionate about?
Most individuals, if you ask them what they're passionate about, will tell you about their current job or will detail their hobbies. Many writers, for example, would say they are passionate about writing novels. They would not likely say that they are passionate about storytelling and facilitating understanding between different perspectives, at any time, any place. But that is what they are actually passionate about— and a novel is just one way to accomplish that.
“A hallmark of mediocrity and bad strategy,” Rumelt writes, “is unnecessary complexity—a flurry of fluff masking an absence of substance.” Most bad strategies are nothing more than statements of desire. And if you read them closely, the goals often contradict one another.
you have the time
you have the energy
you have the sauce
you just lack strategy
The cost of entry is honest self reflection.
are you willing to pay?
it's about the 100 tiny decision you make everyday
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Awab Altayib
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