Jun '24 (edited) in General discussion
[START HERE] Welcome to Growth Legion.
Hey, I'm Matthew.
If you're a coach, consultant, or info-product business owner, welcome!
My goal is to provide truckloads of free value to help you grow your past $10k/month without wasting your precious time, money, and energy on things that'll never work.
Start by checking out these links:
To kick things off, create a short post introducing yourself:
  1. Your beautiful name
  2. What your business is about
  3. What you're currently focusing on
  4. What's your 6-12 month goal
That's all from me.
Let's print some MOOOOONEY.
~ Matthew
P.S. If you have any questions about anything, feel free to DM me at any time.
P.P.S. If you want proof I'm not just all talk, click here.
P.P.P.S. If you'd like my 1-on-1 help growing your business past $10k/m, click here to schedule your free growth call. (there won't be any no pressure... just a chill convo to see if I can help you out)
Matthew V.
[START HERE] Welcome to Growth Legion.
Growth Legion
Showing you how to grow your business for FREE with:
- Sales Funnels
- Copywriting
- Offer Creation
Join if you like printing $$$.
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