🟢 Welcome to Scaling Lean SKOOL Community.
Welcome to Scaling Lean SKOOL Community.
Great to have you here, nice of you to join us!
Before we jump into all the resources and bonuses I want to give you a brief breakdown of who we are, what we stand for, and why this group was created in the first place.
To start, this community was founded by Nina Brennan and Jonathan Ploransky to provide business owners to master the game of advertising.
Our goal is to help business owners like you become the data operator of your business and scale your business predictably.
A couple of years back we first launched our business we approached it in a very different mindset and had to work endlessly to scale…
The organic game was tedious.
Posting 3-5 videos a day on every single social media platform.
Going live 2-3 times a week.
Sending hundreds of cold DM’s a day managing VAs and appointment setters.
And dumping money into paid ads aimlessly to save our sales pipeline when it dried up from organic efforts - which made us lose a lot of money.
Our organic madness didn’t go unrewarded.
We built a strong community and scaled rapidly to $650k+ in 12 months…
We were stuck in the narrative of work hard = more money.
It was the wrong type of work.
We were stuck on the content hamster wheel to keep up with the “growing” revenue goals, with unpredictable revenue at the beginning of each month.
And too often we see business owners in the same position, longing to scale their business...
but their energy is spent IN the business not on the business.
They are in the perpetual content hamster wheel building the brand and sitting on social media...
And losing a lot of money and digital real estate by simply not dialing in a cold traffic strategy.
You might know the story to well.
When we were in the grind…
We longed for simplicity (no content hamster wheel and no clunky software).
We longed for efficiency (streamlined client acquisition, from cold to close)
We longed for scalability.
It was a journey for sure… and eventually we made it happen by mastering three crucial components of client acquisition.
Long story short we developed the “VDC Model” and since then have helped over 200 business owners on their journey to see 2x, 3x and even 4x their revenue scaling upward of $100k per month.
It’s now our mission to provide the resources for business owners standing in the same shoes we once stood in.
So community members like you can have a robust client acquisition system and know what key metrics to look at so you can scale predictable..
We’ve scaled multiple 6 and 7 figure business with our end to end client acquisition process.
All it takes is mastering the ‘VDC Model’ – which stands for Validate, Drive, Convert.
You’ll learn more about the ‘VDC Model’ as you navigate through the group.
But really our motto?
Predictable leads.
Predictable appointments.
Predictable revenue.
Every single month.
We’ve been able to help our client scale predictably with lean teams, lean systems, and simple automation.
→ Which is why we named our company Scaling Lean in the first place.
We have simplified the scaling process.
And it’s the best kept secret of thriving B2C & B2B Founders/CEOs...
So if you are:
> Looking for a predictable client acquisition strategy
> Tired of the social media content grind
> Wanting a strategy that is simple, efficient and scalable
Scaling Lean can help by walking you through our end to end client acquisition process.
So if you are interested in lean, efficient, scalable processes… you are in the right place.
All you need is one conversion focused client acquisition process to scale effectively.
And we have it, the #1 Client Acquisition System for 10x growth.
Don’t overcomplicate it.
Lastly here are a few group rules:
Don't’ be slimy – spamming the group will get you removed.
Don't just lurk. The more you share the more value will return to you.
If at any time you have questions simply drop a post in the group or reach out directly.
Let’s Scale,
Nina Brennan & Jonathan Ploransky
Nina Brennan
🟢 Welcome to Scaling Lean SKOOL Community.
Scaling Lean™ | Conversion Pro
💻 Learn how to drive leads & grow revenue by centralizing your marketing system. We scale by automating.
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