Who are the modern day saints and sages?
We've all heard of the sages from the past but who are the modern sages? Let's ask AI! 🫣 The results can be found in the picture below. In the past, knowledge was more pronounced and deeper due to the Yuga but now we are in the Age of Ignorance or Kali Yuga. Can a sage be qualified by the same distinctions which were found in the ancient past?
Please give your thoughts below in the comment section and feel free to list anyone in today's age that you think could also be a modern sage or saint! 🧙‍♂️
Jonathon Tater
Who are the modern day saints and sages?
Satsang With Krsnaknows
Krsnaknows(KrsnaG) conducts live Satsangs on Bhagvad Gita, Bhagvatam and other scriptures. Also you can find recorded ones on his YouTube Channel.
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