Dream of RROC pastors prayers covering us in the spirit
I dreamed I was walking and there was a presence behind me and it was a lady and she had a gun to my back. I could feel fear and anxiety and out of nowhere Pastor Joel was grabbing my hand pulling me into a van. Driving the van was Pastor Carlos and Pastor Joel was in the passenger seat it was a large van with many passengers. The interpretation I have received is that there prayers are covering us in the spirit. The passengers in the van were RROC and LSOR members. Thank you Jesus for the RROC and for the pastors this ministry is so powerful shout out to the Pastors and leaders who pray diligently for us we certainly appreciate you!!
Holley Stanley
Dream of RROC pastors prayers covering us in the spirit
The LSOR equips leaders & revivalists to serve in the body of Christ all around the world! Stay engaged in discipleship as we serve the Lord together!
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