12d ago (edited) in Share Your Wins
Just signed a licensing deal in Germany:-)
I’m just a boy from Arkansas.
It pleases me to no end that Phoneless Sales Machine will be taught in German speaking countries!
I’ve sold my stuff to over 78+ different countries over the last 20 years…much due to licensing mojo.
It’s never cost me a penny out of my pocket.
The recurring royalties and reach is more than I could’ve ever imagined.
If you’ve got something that changes lives in some way, large or small, and want to impact the world, but don’t have a huge advertising budget…
👉 Package up your brilliance.
👉 Find a licensee and let them rent it for royalties. (Where do you find them? TIP: My German licensee is a customer. Your past customers are the easiest deals to make.)
👉 Don’t do an exclusive agreement until you’ve got a few deals under your belt. Non-exclusive is super safe.
👉 Base your royalty percentage off how much help and support you want/need to give them to get rolling. I only do deals where I don’t need to do much support at all…so I usually do deals between 10% to 25% of gross sales.
👉 Repeat until rich and you’re known all over the world 😆
Thank you for letting me celebrate with you!
Rooting for Ya,
Travis Sago
Just signed a licensing deal in Germany:-)
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