How to Find a Job You Actually Like
It's so important to find a job that you actually like...and one of the most important aspects of that is working with people who you like.
So, for the job hunters in the group--the interview process is your chance to get the vibe of your potential employer. Is the process of setting up the interviews smooth? Administrative mix ups, rescheduling interview, etc. can be red flags about this employer.
Are the people you interact with (including any internal recruiters, admins, etc.) pleasant? Do they seem happy? Or checked out? Or something else?
During the interview, what's your gut feeling about the interviewers? Usually some of them will be your potential future peers, and some will be your potential future bosses. Do you like them? Are they nice to you? Do you feel like you can talk with them and ask questions? Do they look happy? Do you get the feeling they like working for the company that is your potential future employer?
I personally have turned down a job that was rock star money as far as PM salary. Why? Because everyone I interviewed with seemed miserable, they pointed fingers at each other during the interviews, and they all brought up the fact that I would be even more valuable in the job market if I could just stick it out a year or two at that company. In addition, they bad mouthed their clients (in the interviews!!!!). Finally, their HR team was really snarky, hard to deal with, and seemed ignorant of some of the company's processes.
Hard pass on that one, though I had trouble believing that I would turn down the amount of money that they were offering. At this point in my career, I'm happy with the decision that I made...
What are some of your tips for finding a job you love? Or employer red flags that would make you turn down a job offer?
Stella Bell
How to Find a Job You Actually Like
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