Finding Your First Deal: The Most Challenging Step (Final Part)
If you’re feeling stuck, staring at spreadsheets and wondering when you’ll ever feel “ready,” you’re not alone (and you will never truly think "you're ready, btw). Analysis paralysis is real—especially in wholesaling, where every deal can feel like a massive decision. But here's the truth: you don’t need to know everything to get started. You just need to take action.
1. Accept That You’ll Make Mistakes Spoiler alert: You're not going to get everything perfect, and that's okay! Every wholesaler out there has made mistakes—even the pros. The trick is to learn from them and move forward. Remember, the only way to fail is to do nothing.
2. Start Small. Don't pressure yourself to land a huge deal right out of the gate. Focus on finding smaller, low-risk deals that let you build experience and confidence. Think of it like learning to ride a bike—you didn’t start off doing wheelies on day one, right?
3. Set Clear, Actionable Goal. Instead of getting lost in all the "what ifs," break things down into small, manageable steps. Make it your goal to talk to five potential sellers this week or to submit one offer. These small wins will build momentum and push you past that stuck feeling. You can slowly start setting bigger goals, like 5 offers in a week, 100 offers in a week, etc.
4. Rely on Your Community. You don’t have to go at this alone! The wholesaling community (like this course) is filled with people who’ve been where you are. Ask questions, get feedback, and lean on the guidance available to you. Sometimes all you need is a little push from someone who’s already walked the path.
Remember, confidence isn’t something you wait to have; it’s something you build by doing. Don’t let overthinking stop you from reaching your potential. The first step is always the hardest, but once you take it, you’ll be surprised how quickly things fall into place.
Start dialing the phone, start talking to people, start making those small steps, start taking action and everything else will fall into place!
Robert Head
Finding Your First Deal: The Most Challenging Step (Final Part)
Wholesale Real Estate
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